Negotiations Petition – Frequently Asked Questions
What does ratify mean?
When we negotiate, the union’s Negotiations Team sits in a (virtual) room with the university’s representatives to try to get the best deal they can, but the final decision is up to a vote of the union membership. Members can vote to ratify it and have it become the new Collective Agreement, or reject it and try for something different.
How will my photo be used?
Because of COVID, we cannot have the large rallies and presence on campus that we would otherwise. The photos will be used on large posters and banners around the university to put people and faces to the numbers being discussed. MUNACA members work in every office, every lab, every library across campus.
Will the employer pay any attention to a poster?
We are not trying to sway their emotions with photos of members. By signing the petition and committing to minimum standards that need to be in a proposed agreement, you are communicating to the employer’s negotiators that anything less will not be accepted at a vote, and they should save themselves time and effort by increasing their offer now.
I don’t want to be singled out for signing the petition.
The petition has a threshold so it will only be made public once at least 500 people have signed the petition. You will not be singled out because you will not be alone.
Also, the petition isn’t directed towards your immediate supervisor. Your supervisor doesn’t have the power or authority to make the decisions that we want to see. It is being directed towards the upper administration who will decide what the University’s offer will be.
How do the proposed economic increases compare to inflation?
In 2019, inflation in Montreal was calculated at 2.2% – the employer’s offer is currently 1.5%
In 2020, inflation in Montreal was calculated at 0.9% – the employer’s offer is currently 1.5%
In 2021, inflation in Montreal was calculated at 3.8% – the employer’s offer is currently 1.5%
For next year, it is still to be seen, but estimates put it in the 3-5% range – the employer’s offer is currently 1.5%.
Why is a 2.97% step increase important?
In 2011, MUNACA was on strike for three months to win a payscale that had both a negotiated economic increase and a regular step increase of 2.97% to recognized experience gained on the job.
The employer’s attempt to cut the size of the step increase means smaller annual increases and it will take longer for all current members to reach the top of the scale.
What salaries are they proposing to cut?
The employer’s current proposal includes a cut to the top of the payscale for Levels 1 through 7. This includes job titles such as Animal Attendant, Information Clerk, Dental Assistant, Secretary. The amount varies, but in some cases up to 14%.