February 25, 2022

For the past few days, we have been waking up every morning to difficult live images from Ukraine. In this age of social media, this conflict unfolding before our eyes shows how fragile our peace and freedom are. While the pandemic is still ongoing, another shocking event reminds us of the importance of compassion and solidarity.

“As we work together to build an inclusive society of rights and freedoms, some parts of the world are working to break peace. Our thoughts are with the Ukrainian community in hope that this nonsense and insecurity will end as soon as possible,” said Yvon Barrière, PSAC-Quebec Regional Executive Vice-President.

PSAC-Quebec stands with Ukrainian communities in Canada and around the world against this outrageous action. The Ukrainian community in Canada is the largest outside of Ukraine. There are over 1.3 million people in Canada and some 40,000 Quebecers of Ukrainian origin among our members, colleagues, families and community. 

With the Winter semester underway, union representatives continue to work out of the on-campus office. Given staggered scheduling and the unpredictable situation, we ask that you contact us ahead of visiting the office.

The staff and executive can be reached as follows:

Christine McCunn, Office Administrator – Office.Administrator@munaca.com or 514-398-6565
Josie Cioffi, Labour Relations Coordinator – info@munaca.com or 514-398-5355
Josh Pavan, Research Coordinator- research@munaca.com or 514-398-6565

Thomas Chalmers, President – president@munaca.com or 514-398-4594
Nancy Crowe, VP Labour Relations – vplr@munaca.com or (514) 622-9428
Sherrie Child, VP Internal Affairs – vice.president@munaca.com
Deborah Martin, VP Finance – vpfinance@munaca.com
Debra Yee, VP Communication/Mobilisation – vpcomm@munaca.com