Dear Members, 

With the Fall return to campus, we look forward to seeing many more of you. However, due to the current COVID-19 epidemiological situation we ask that you schedule an appointment prior to visiting the MUNACA office located on 3483 Peel Street. Scheduling ahead of time will ensure that we are able to respect all Health and Safety recommendations and keep everyone safe.

Should you wish to meet with staff or an executive committee member we encourage you to contact them directly to set up a time. 

Christine McCunn, Office Administrator – or 514-398-6565
Josie Chioffi, Labour Relations Coordinator – or 514-398-5355
Josh Pavan, Research Coordinator- or 514-398-6565

Thomas Chalmers, President – or 514-398-4594
Nancy Crowe, VP Labour Relations – or (514) 622-9428
Sherrie Child, VP Internal Affairs –
Deborah Martin, VP Finance –
Debra Yee, VP Communication/Mobilisation –

We are pleased to give each of you this opportunity to tell us about your specific job description. As you know, it has been decades since the PEDs (generic job descriptions) were reviewed by the employer, and we suspect that many MUNACA members are performing work that does not accurately reflect the generic descriptions, or are performing tasks belonging to other PEDs. Your responses will allow us to see where the gaps in information are between what jobs our members do, and what our employer thinks we do.

This survey, will give your Negotiations Committee a better idea of who does what as we are about to negotiate salary increases with the employer over the summer, and it will help your Pay Equity Committee as we attempt to settle years’ worth of pay equity audits with McGill. Remember, going into these kinds of discussions we are only strong if we are well prepared.

Thank you in advance for giving us the tools to better represent each of you! The survey will close on Sunday, July 18th, 2021.

In solidarity,

Your MUNACA Executive Committee
Your MUNACA Pay Equity Committee
Your MUNACA Negotiations Committee

Dear Principal Fortier, 

We read, with great interest, the Action Plan to Address Anti-Black Racism you presented on September 30th. We had responded to your initial announcement with hope, anticipation and – it is not too strong a word – sense of relief. McGill seemed poised both to match its reputation for excellence and to combine the seriousness of the occasion with gravity and thoroughness. By the end, however, we find the document disappointing and a bit puzzling.

It presents a contrast. A certain number of the terms and goals framed contain a ringing acknowledgement of its subjects’ importance. In some sections there is a breadth of vision. Unfortunately, this impression is not sustained as the scope of its action items are increasingly restricted. 

The Plan announces the embrace of what – it must be stated – are modest targets for hiring a greater number of Black faculty. The strength of this statement is in its establishment of concrete and immovable targets. We also laud the recognition of a need for what is described as community outreach and support for students. We fear, however, that there are inadequate administrative resources committed to this promise. There is also a notable failure to recognize the many past, failed commitments. 

The references to establishing goals based on “percentages of population” are disappointing: they clash discordantly with the rhetoric used elsewhere in this document. The Plan appears to recognize, on the one hand, a moral deficit of catastrophic proportions. On the other, it pointedly and persistently hedges expectations, even in its academic ambitions. For example, it mentions studying the possible expansion of the African Studies program, but completely ignores the existence of the Latin American and Carribean Studies Program – even as it discusses the possibilities for enlarging Carribean Studies. 

McGill employs over 10,000 people, but there is no suggestion to hire even as many 100 additional Black colleagues.There is no more than a nod given to the importance of Black support staff or other underrepresented minorities. The Plan’s proposal to address this – along the lines of hiring a dozen or so more Black managers – obviously falls far short of the federal and provincial governments’ and of McGill’s own goals for diversity and inclusion. Here, as well, the report uses the specious “metrics” of “percentage of population.” The Plan forthrightly presents the themes of history, disproportionate representation, systemic barriers and oppression spanning the history of our institution and the society it reflects. The corrective actions it proposes, however, fall far short of addressing them.  

We pass over the issue of the McGill statue (decisions on its status are still pending) and other forms of “glorification,” as the Plan impressively puts it, which remain in place (the regrettably named Le James Bookstore comes to mind), but do acknowledge the commitment to serious study of the systems and interconnected webs of enrichment based on slavery and exploitation. This effort to uncover the colonialist and slavery-embracing past of our institutions is extremely overdue and welcome: we sincerely hope the analysis will continue to the present day and will include contemporary examples. 

It is with sorrow that we conclude that this effort, which begins with such promise and impressive scope, falters in significant ways, for reasons that are difficult to decipher. We are convinced we can do better. We ask you to reconsider this plan. We think it could be redrafted with still more passion, more conviction, and the ambition to match our human and financial capital. There is still the possibility of mining the richness of our combined strength and the values our community aspires to embody. 


The MUNACA Union Council

Dear Principal Fortier et al,

We have some questions regarding ramping up and bringing Faculty members, staff and students back on campus.

Considering the following;
– The second wave is here with a vengeance, over 750 new cases today (28/09/20).
– The Federal and Ontario government’s are urging everyone to get flu shots, Quebec is not, and McGill is not offering flu shots this year,
– McGill is unwilling to provide masks or face coverings for employees working on campus. 
– McGill is unwilling to extend complimentary parking so that employees may avoid public transit and its associated health and safety risks. 
– Our southern neighbour is a potential powder keg and has the worst record dealing with the pandemic. With just around 4% of the population of the planet they have more than 25% of the cases and more than 25% of the deaths. The Trump Administration has, to say the least, downplayed the severity of this crisis and are now considering a herd immunity solution, which some scientists have reported that this plan could see over 2 million deaths, 
– The provincial government had issued an orange alert and as of 17:30, we are now in a red zone
– Today (28/09/20). In Quebec since the beginning of the pandemic, there have been 72,651 cases and 5,826 people have died, 
– McGill students question the Administration’s account with regards to the numbers of COVID cases at McGill. The Administration has reported 6 whereas the students claim many more:
Given the above, what is the McGill Administration doing?
– Allowing 30% capacity of student and staff to be on the campus,
– Recalling back to work, staff members who have 100% capability of fulfilling their duties from home. The rationale for this is that the Administration does not want employees to get used to working from home but would rather risk their health and safety by forcing them onto campus.
– The Administration has decided that previously acceptable health concerns for remaining at home, such as being a cancer survivor or diabetes, is no longer an acceptable reason for not being called back to work,
– McGill’s Administration claimed last week that there was no need to slowdown the ramping up of the return to work and classes due to the orange alert,
– The Administration is following the strictures of the provincial government, the one with the worst record in dealing with the pandemic in the country. This same administration claims that they are one of the best employers.

Principal Fortier et al, do you think these policies advisable under the circumstances? These policies are incongruent to your stated concern for a healthy workplace. Is now not the time to take a step back, and place the health and safety of all the community as the number one priority? We are not contesting the humanity, nor sincerity, of those making the decisions
regarding returning to work. We know they have family members, children and friends affected by this crisis. We are simply asking for a reconsideration of priorities. Put the health and safety of students, staff, and faculty first and not the resumption of on-site activities.

The MUNACA Executive Committee

Dear members, 

At the Union Council meeting of August 26th, a motion was passed in support of our black and indigenous brothers and sisters in their call for the removal of the James McGill statue. As part of this motion, there was a call to end systemic racism and for specific and concrete measures to promote inclusiveness and remove all barriers to studying and hiring.

The Union Council supports these measures as it was felt that it is not the time to be silent on these issues and that we must respect and continue the union movement’s role as an engine for social change. The union movement has fought for and succeeded in making many improvements in the lives of all Canadians such as; employment insurance, medicare, maternity/paternity leaves, and a broad and more inclusive definition of discrimination, to name but a few. Now is the time to put an end to racism – in all its forms.

This is a very critical juncture where we can make a difference for a better and just future for all. 

Racism has no place in our Union, in the McGill Community, and our society at large.

Yours as always, in solidarity,

The MUNACA Executive Committee

For more information please consult the following links.

Take James McGill Down campaign

Public Letter

Dear MUNACA Members,

I write to you today regarding what is happening in the United States. On May 25th a Black man was murdered by police officers in Minneapolis. George Floyd was killed for apparently trying to purchase groceries with a counterfeit $20.00 bill. These deaths caused by police officers have been happening for far too many years. Very little has changed since I watched Martin Luther King’s ‘I Have a Dream’ speech on TV in Washington on August 28th, 1963. To paraphrase Dr King: when you diminish one, you diminish all. Racism is a scourge on humanity and it needs to be eradicated, and let us not conclude it is solely an American issue, I remind you that in our city Anthony Griffin, Fredy Villanueva, Nicholas Gibbs, and others have been killed by police. Many have tried to combat these crimes, and yet it continues. However, when an innocent person is murdered because of the colour of their skin, we all must rise up and say, No More!!

There are times when I fear for our species, and this is one of them. But when I think of the contributions of Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and Nelson Mandela, I am less fearful.

Malcolm was right when he said that Plymouth Rock landed on black people but the rock now has taken on the form of police officers.

We must find a way to stop murdering men, women and children because of their colour or ethnicity. People of colour should not have to go through their day and fear for their safety, especially from those who are supposed ‘to serve and protect.’

I ask all MUNACA Members to raise their voices and condemn these murders.

One way you may show your support, for example, is by going to or other similar websites to donate to the cause of justice and lend your voice to the movement.

Yours as always in solidarity,

Thomas Chalmers
President MUNACA-PSAC 17602 514-398-6565

“Injustice Anywhere is a Threat to Justice Everywhere”
– Martin Luther King Jr.
“If you stay neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the
oppressor” – Desmond Tutu

PSAC Statement

I am providing a couple of links from those who do not normally make statements
about what is happening in our world.

Dear Members of MUNACA,

We hope you are safe and doing well under the circumstances. We are writing to you today to inform you about some changes to our Annual General Meeting date.

According to our bylaws, the Annual General Meeting must be held on or before the 15th of June each year. However, we believe all would agree that this is in no way a normal year. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major effect on all we do. Large gatherings have been banned by the government, the PSAC have postponed the Quebec Regional and the National triennial, to the next years. Due to this pandemic, it has made Unions and Associations reconsider how to go about their daily operations. This pandemic is a force majeure and has caused Unions and Associations to reconsider their operations. MUNACA has been obliged to do the same.

On Monday, May 11th, the Union Council decided that in the best interest of the membership, our AGM be postponed to the fall. We hope by that time we will be able to gather together in person. If that is still not possible we will hold the meeting virtually. In the interim, we shall explore the possibility of online info sessions.
Stay tuned.

Dear Provost Manfredi and VP Beauchamps,

On behalf of the undersigned Unions and Associations representing roughly 10,000 non-academic staff, we have the following recommendations for improving labour relations and dealing effectively with the Coronavirus that is having a serious impact on our community here at McGill, and throughout our province and our country.

It shall come as no surprise that we have concerns with regards to the manner in which the McGill Administration has handled this crisis. We are not here to play the blame game but to deal with this crisis. We believe in cooperation, consultation and solidarity. We are also very cognizant of the fact that this is a global crisis and that the issues are difficult, complex and at times overwhelming. This is not the time to take a top down approach, this is a time for working together. Up until very recently, one of our main issues with your administration was that you were issuing edicts with little to no consultation, we admittedly felt not part of the McGill community in your eyes, an afterthought if you will. That being said, members of central HR have reached out and asked us for consideration and cooperation, in effect we have been asked how we can work together.

We have some suggestions;

– inform all members of the community that they will be compensated as they would normally be. This will go a long way of reducing stress for the entire community;

– inform the community that only the minimal essential services will be maintained until the provincial government declares otherwise. This must be enforced throughout the University as we have been informed that local HR, managers and supervisors have interpreted essential services in a very ‘liberal’ fashion;

– and finally, as we have much to offer, all the undersigned groups shall be given a seat on the Emergency Response Committee. We feel this will go a long way in improving labour/management relations and we will be better able, together, to deal with this crisis. 


Thomas Chalmers – MUNACA President

Raad Jassim – President, MCLIU

Andrew Fraser – SEU  President (Macdonald)

Jose Rego – President SEU Facilities..

Kiersten van Vliet- AGSEM President

Allen Neil- President Ues(800) trades union downtown

Delali Egyima- President, AMUSE

Giovanni Mendicino – President SEU –DataCenter

Judy Dear – President, MUNASA

Gaetan Serres -SEU President  – Printing Services

Sean Cory – President AMURE